Featured Stories
Center of Excellence in Critical and Complex Care becomes Center of Healthy Aging, Self-Management and Complex Care
The College of Nursing’s Center of Excellence in Critical and Complex Care has been renamed the Center of Healthy Aging, Self-Management and Complex Care to more accurately reflect the research conducted at the Center. The goal of the Center’s work is to improve clinical care and health outcomes through exemplary transdisciplinary research in the areas of aging, self-management, critical and complex care especially within vulnerable
College of Nursing receives HEED Award for third year in a row
The Ohio State University College of Nursing received the 2018 Health Professions Higher Education in Diversity (HEED) Award for the third year in a row. The award recognizes colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion.
AWHONN video highlights college’s research
With the goal of improving the health of women and infants, The Ohio State University College of Nursing partnered with the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) in collaboration with ITN productions to produce a video as part of AWHONN’s Partners in Care program.
EBP Certificate of Added Qualification program launches
The first globally recognized certificate for evidence-based practice (EBP-C) is now available from the Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare. This interprofessional certificate of added qualification is offered to any healthcare professional in practice or education. The first 50 to earn the certificate will be recognized at the second Biennial Fuld National Summit in November of 2019. Questions? Email contact-fuld@osu.edu.
Newton Hall turns 50!
Help us celebrate by sending your favorite memory, photo or story of Newton Hall to nursingalumni@osu.edu. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the dedication of Newton Hall, we will be sharing your memories on our website during the month of February.
New edition of Transformations magazine
The autumn 2018 edition of Transformations is here! Issues were mailed November 19. Did you get yours? If not, send an email with your updated address and a request for a copy of the magazine to nursingalumni@osu.edu, and a copy will be mailed to you. Don’t forget to update your contact information on the alumni portal, either.
NAM to use College of Nursing as wellness success story nationally
The National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-being and Resilience will craft case studies about a few universities, including Ohio State, to showcase successes in promoting clinician well-being and implementing interventions to reduce stress and burnout. NAM representatives visited campus on December 5-7 to engage with Buckeye Wellness Innovators, meet with university leadership (including Dean and Chief Wellness Officer Bernadette Melnyk and President Michael V. Drake) about the importance of our strategic wellness plans and programs, and attend the two-day Health Athlete workshop for Ohio State leaders. NAM plans to release its case studies nationally in spring 2019.
People to Watch
March of Dimes Nurses of the Year
Congratulations to our March of Dimes Nurse of the Year award winners! Mary Beth Happ, PhD, RN, FAAN, was selected as the 2018 Research Nurse of the Year; Kathy Wright, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC, PMHCNS-BC, was selected as the 2018 Diversity Nurse of the Year; Deb Steward, PhD, RN, was selected for the 2018 Educator-Academia Nurse of the Year; Marliese Nist was selected as the 2018 Nursing Student of the Year-Graduate Level, and Mercedes Pratt was selected for the 2018 Nursing Student of the Year-Pre-Licensure award. Congratulations to all our nominees, finalists and awardees; we are so very proud of you and all that you do!
Dean Melnyk elected to National Forum Board of Directors
Dean Bern Melnyk was elected to the Board of Directors for the National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention whose mission is to harness, lead and encourage collaborative action among stakeholders committed to heart disease and stroke prevention.
Breitenstein and Tucker receive new grant from Hillman Foundation
Congratulations to Susie Breitenstein, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Sharon Tucker, PhD, RN, FAAN, for receiving a new grant from the Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation’s Innovation Dissemination Program for “The Chicago Parent Program: Improving the Lives of Young Children in Poverty.” Breitenstein and Tucker are co-investigator and collaborator on the grant, respectively, with principal investigator Debbie Gross of Johns Hopkins. CPP aims to strengthen parenting skills and capacities and improve young children’s behavioral health and well-being.
Thrane receives PCRC grant for Reiki research
The Palliative Care Research Cooperative (PCRC) awarded Susan Thrane, PhD, MSN, RN, CHPN, assistant professor in the College of Nursing, a grant for her study, “Teaching Parents Reiki for Their Adolescents Receiving Palliative Care.” The study will test the feasibility of training caregiver parents in Reiki, a complementary health approach defined as a gentle light touch biofield therapy. Administering Reiki may be beneficial to both children in palliative care and their caregiver parents.
Melnyk co-authors Health Affairs blog post
Dean Bern Melnyk’s guest blog post for Health Affairs, The post, “Making The Case For The Chief Wellness Officer In America’s Health Systems: A Call To Action,” discusses the importance of the chief wellness officer’s role and its impact on organizational culture, success and patient outcomes.
Alumni Spotlight
Jeanne M. Novotny, PhD, RN, FAAN
Ohio State Nursing degree: 1966, 1976 MS
Current role: I recently retired from my deanship at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing in El Paso, Texas. Now I am in what I am calling my gap year and taking time to decide how I want to spend the rest of my life.
Professionally, I am proud of: This is difficult to answer because I have loved every minute of my career as a nurse and am proud of everything that I have done. However, I believe I have to go back to the decision to come to Ohio State for my academic degrees. If I had not done that, I would never have been able to do the things I have done, or the opportunities I had would never have presented themselves to me.
Interesting fact: I walk five miles a day, six days of the week. A few years ago, I walked the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) to Santiago de Compostela in Spain and am planning to walk the Camino again in 2019.
Buckeye Wellness Tip
The holidays are a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends. Don’t forget to include wellness in your plans. Manage your stress by engaging in our “just breathe” resources. Prepare a healthy side dish for a holiday meal, aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week, and avoid the flu by washing your hands frequently and getting a flu shot if needed.
Want more wellness? Read “Six Tips for Career Wellness” by Chief Wellness Officer Bern Melnyk.
Make a Gift
Dec. 31 is the deadline for renewing Nursing Alumni Society and Ohio State Alumni Association sustaining memberships. Make your gift today by clicking below or contacting Courtney Shaul at 614-688-1086 or shaul.8@osu.edu.